
Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) - frequently asked questions

After registration week

What happens now that I have completed the online application form during registration week?

Your information will be shared with your chosen ELC setting to allow them to start planning for the new academic session. 

I want to make a change to my ELC application, can I do this?

Up to the last day of registration week:

Please make a change to your application by replying to the confirmation email you received after clicking submit on the online form. 

From the Monday after registration week onwards:

Please contact the ELC setting you chose directly. Please be aware that any significant changes received from the Monday after registration week onwards, will move the application to the late application category. This will only affect you if the ELC setting is oversubscribed.

What happens if there are not enough spaces at my chosen setting?

Every effort will be made to meet your first preference but this will depend on the number of places that are available and on the priority category given to your application. If there are not enough places at your chosen ELC setting a ballot will be held using the priorities of that setting. If you are unsuccessful in the ballot for your preferred provider, you will be contacted for your 2nd or sometimes 3rd choice. This would keep going until you have an ELC space.

My first choice ELC setting is going to ballot, what will happen?

A ballot involving ELC spaces will be conducted with a central Early Years team member present. Your ELC setting will have advised you beforehand of the date it will take place, and if your application is in the ballot. You can view the ELC Admissions Policy that will be used to carry out the ballot, on Page 14 of the ELC Information Booklet: /sites/default/files/2024-01/elc%20info%20for%20parents%20booklet.pdf

Following this:

  1. The ELC setting will contact successful applicants about the details of the ELC placement secured e.g. days.
  2. The Early Years central team will be in touch with any unsuccessful applicants, to find out if they want to remain on the waiting list at the 1st choice setting, and what their 2nd choice ELC setting is.

    Note: remaining on the waiting list gives applicants priority for a space, for the following academic year.

  3. The application will then be processed at the 2nd choice ELC setting, Early Years will advise the applicant of the outcome.

All applications in the area which were unsuccessful at a 1st choice setting, will be processed at the 2nd choice setting at the same time. This ensures fairness and that there is no disadvantage to being part of a ballot that took place later. This means applicants can use the full amount of time given to choose a 2nd choice setting that is best for their child, there is no need to worry and rush this decision. Applicants must ensure they reply by the deadline provided however.

When will I receive confirmation that my child’s place is confirmed?

Offer letters will be sent out by the end of May. There are a number of processes that follow registration week, including ensuring there is sufficient capacity at the setting you have applied for and staffing levels are correct as per Care Inspectorate standards.

How will you use my contact details?

The email provided on your online application form will be used by the central team, to communicate any queries or issues we have when reviewing your ELC application. Please ensure that following registration week, you check your emails (including your junk folder).

Your contact details will be used by the ELC setting also, prior to your child starting ELC. This may include advice about open days, sending you a copy of the ELC handbook and communicating with you about any questions you may have about your child starting ELC. They will also use it to collect any additional information required, such as your child’s health or additional support needs.

Will there be a chance to visit the ELC setting both as a parent and a child?

Settings will be in touch with you with arrangements. 

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