
Animal Health and Welfare

Our Animal Health Service is here to provide advice and guidance on animal welfare

* If you transport animals and your Transporter Authorisation has expired you may be committing an offence - see the for further information *

Since 1st October 2016 the process for renewal of Type 1 Transporter Authorisations has changed and authorisations are no longer renewed automatically. Instead, transporters must submit an application for renewal of their Type 1 authorisations. Find out more here.

51勛圖轎煤App and Bute Councils Animal Health Service is responsible for carrying out the Councils duties in relation to the Animal Health Act 1981 and other associated legislation in relation to Animal Health and Welfare.

Animal Health and Welfare Officers can advise on orders and regulations relevant to Animal Health and Welfare.

Further information

Animal Health and Welfare Role

The principal function of the Animal Health and Welfare Section is: -

  1. to prevent the introduction and control the spread of contagious diseases, including some which may constitute a risk to human health (e.g. Anthrax, Rabies and Tuberculosis), and
  2. ensuring the welfare needs of animals and birds are met

We do this by:

Visiting livestock markets

Officers visit livestock markets to;

  • ensure high welfare standards are maintained for the livestock in the market and during transportation to and from the market;
  • monitor compliance with bio-security rules that are in place to reduce the risk of any potential spread of disease;
  • ensure the livestock at the market are correctly identified and are moved with the correct paperwork;
  • Look for any sign of disease.

Carry out transit checks


  • stop (with the support of the police )and inspect vehicles transporting animals to ensure that high welfare standards are maintained for animals during their journey;
  • ensure that the vehicles are constructed and used correctly for the transportation of the appropriate species of animal;
  • ensure that animals are correctly identified and are moved with the correct paperwork. 

Visiting livestock holdings

Officers will carry out an inspection of and provide advice and assistance on:

  • farm livestock records;
  • veterinary medicine records;
  • animal movement licences and passports;
  • livestock identification;
  • disposal of livestock carcases;
  • livestock vehicles construction and cleanliness.

Other areas of work

This includes

  • Monitoring movements of pigs;
  • Investigation of complaints in relation to animal health and welfare;
  • Helping to maintain Contingency Plans which when deployed assist in the control of diseases such as Rabies and Foot and Mouth Disease;
  • Investigation of any import and export of animals alleged to be in breach of regulations;
  • Visits to premises which are subject to license conditions such as zoos and premises keeping animals listed as dangerous wild animals as requested by Environmental Health;
  • Providing advice and assistance on Animal Health and Welfare Legislation.
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