
Empty Homes Matchmaker Scheme

The matchmaker scheme is like a ‘dating agency’ for empty homes: it aims to match empty property home owners who would like to sell their property with people who want to buy an empty property.

How the scheme works

The Matchmaker Scheme is a FREE service. The local authority holds two lists; one of potential buyers and one of owners interested in selling their empty property. Sellers/Buyers are asked to provide information relating to the location, property type, and value. When the Empty Homes Officer spots a 'match' between an empty home for sale and a buyer's requirements, the empty home owner and the buyer will receive each other’s details to follow- up.

Note that the matchmaker scheme is not an estate agency, and all negotiations and sales processes take place between the seller and buyer. The Council does not act as an agent for any party. We recommend that anyone who is seeking to sell their property obtains an independent professional valuation and legal advice. The scheme aims to provide the best solution for both the seller and buyer.

Acceptable conduct and offers are expected in the spirit of the scheme.

Selling an empty home

Not all empty home owners have the time or financial resources to return their property to use, and sometimes the best solution is to sell the property to someone who can. Whether your empty home needs repair or is in good condition you are welcome to join the scheme.

It is a legal requirement in Scotland for a property which is on the market for sale to have a Home Report. There are a few exceptions, depending on the condition of the property. Sellers without a Home Report can register for the scheme, but should be aware of requirements and take steps to acquire report before entering into any negotiations with potential purchasers.

Buying an empty home

If you are interested in purchasing an empty home, the matchmaker scheme can help you find a suitable property (or properties).

You can also let us know if there is a particular empty property that you are interested in purchasing – with your consent we can pass your contact details onto the owner.

Benefits of Matchmaker Scheme

  • It is a FREE service
  • Properties are matched up with people who specifically want to purchase an empty property.
  • It can help you find a buyer if you’ve been having difficulty selling, or if property is in poor condition.
  • An empty home needing repair can give people on a lower budget the opportunity to buy at a more affordable price, and to personalise a property to meet the buyer’s particular requirements and taste.

How to join

To register for the scheme you must complete and return application form and agree to Code of Conduct. Both buyer and seller application forms are available on our website. Or alternatively contact Empty Homes Officer to request application form.

There are matchmaker schemes operating across Scotland. If you are interested in purchasing a property in another Local Authority area/s, please let us know and we can arrange for application form to be issued.

Contact Information

Marion Sayers

Empty Homes Officer  

Tel: 01700 501332

Email: emptyhomes@argyll-bute.gov.uk

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