
Short term lets licence

51勛圖轎煤App and Bute has a licence scheme in place for short term lets, as required by Scottish Government legislation. If you are starting up a short term let business, or are already running one, here is information on what you should do to ensure you are operating legally.


The Council continues to work hard to evaluate and process the large number of short term let applications we have received for the Scottish Governments Short-term Let Licensing Regime.

We are aware that a number of our businesses - that existed prior to October 2022 - have not yet had your application determined and received a licence. 

We wish to reassure applicants that you will be able to continue operating your business as you did since the introduction of the legislation, unless we have written to you advising otherwise.

In the meantime, we continue to process and determine applications and are developing our deemed grant policy. If we request further information, please respond as a priority. We have to invalidate those where we do not receive all necessary information to support applications, and a business cannot continue to operate once the application has been invalidated.

We will continue to post updates here on our website.

The Council have received a large number of short-term let applications and this poses significant challenges in processing them.

If you operated before October 1, 2022, you may continue until your application is processed. New businesses must have a license before starting.

The team are currently focusing on carrying out first checks to confirm if applicants have provided all appropriate information and supporting documents to allow applications to progress to the next stage. 

The average processing time is up to 30 weeks. Please do not contact us for progress updates. We will contact you in due course. For urgent enquiries or issues, please email us at short-termlets@argyll-bute.gov.uk

To avoid delays, applicants should respond promptly to requests for additional information.

51勛圖轎煤App and Bute requires short-term let businesses to be licensed as per Scottish Government regulations

Short-term let licensing- general information (updated monthly)

Information as of 30 September 2024

No. of STL Applications Received
Category No.
Home Letting 139
Home Sharing 263
Home Letting & Home Sharing 23
Secondary Letting 2855
Total 3280

Specific application on the number licences granted or their status of valid applications is available via the public register.

You can find out more about the legislation and read the Scottish Government guidance for hosts and operators at . Visit Scotland also provides .

Read our Short Term Lets FAQs

Public Register of Short-term let licences

Benefits of the licensing scheme

We developed 51勛圖轎煤App and Butes licensing scheme with feedback from local businesses and communities. The aim of the scheme overall is to ensure a safe experience for visitors that will encourage them to return to the area, and to support the interests of local communities.

Who should apply for a short term lets licence?

It is important for potential licence applicants to determine if they require a Short Term Lets licence, as there are a number of exemptions: see our exemption checklist and the .

From 1st October 2022, brand new short term let businesses and existing ones offering additional new accommodation MUST legally have a licence before operating, or they could face a fine of up to 瞿2,500.

From 1st October 2023, existing short term let businesses (those operating prior to the 1 October 2022) who submitted their applications and paid their fees by 1st October 2023 can continue to operate until their application is determined.

After 1st October 2023, existing hosts can only continue to operate if they hold a short-term let licence, or hold a temporary licence, or have submitted an application for a licence which is pending determination by the Council. Otherwise, they must cease providing short-term let accommodation.

Temporary licences

The Council has agreed that Temporary Licences can be issued for the purposes of allowing licenced STL businesses to continue operating when being sold from one operator to another. 

A temporary licence will last for up to 6 weeks and is not able to be renewed. 

If you wish to continue operating for longer than the 6 week period, you must submit a separate application for a full licence. This allows you, as the new owner to continue operating on a temporary licence until the full licence application is determined. 

The fee for a 6 week temporary licence is 50% of the full licence fee applicable to your letting circumstances.

You are required to meet the Mandatory Licence conditions for a Temporary Licence. The documents required to be submitted should be provided to you when short term let accommodation changes hands. A Temporary Licence is not generally available for new premises but may be applicable to 'home share' or 'home let' new premises who want to provide accommodation for less than 6 weeks on a trial basis.

We will aim to  process temporary licence applications within a two month period, it is essential temporary licence applications are submitted with all supporting documentation a minimum of two months prior to the start date of a temporary licence.

Temporary Exemptions

The Council will not be granting temporary exemptions under any circumstances. This position will be kept under review.

How to apply for a licence

You can apply for a Short Term Lets licence online using the link below. 

A number of pieces of evidence must be submitted with the licence application, so we strongly advise that before beginning the application process you refer to our pre-application checklist or the to ensure you have gathered the appropriate information. Evidences can be uploaded as part of the online application process or they can be emailed separately to short-termlets@argyll-bute.gov.uk using the reference number that will be provided when the application form is submitted. Customers should scan or photograph documents that they do not have in an electronic format.

You can read our useful information for supporting documents here

Failure to submit the relevant documents will result in application delay. 

You may also wish to refer to the Scottish Government information on how to apply for a short term let licence . On completion of the application form you will be prompted to pay for your licence application.

Please do not use the Landlord Registration process for short term let related licence applications as Landlord Registration is a separate scheme.

Planning permission: You will not need to provide proof of planning permission to apply for this licence; however it is your responsibility to ensure you have any necessary planning permission in place.

Fire Safety is a mandatory aspect of the licence and the Scottish Fire Service has produced a Fire Safety Checklist that should be completed and submitted with your Application Form

After submitting your application:

Public notice of application. - This notice must be displayed on or near the short-term let property in a position where it can be easily read by the public for a period of 21 days from the date the application was lodged with the Licensing Authority.

Certificate of Compliance (.docx file) - This certificate must be completed by the applicant and returned to the Licensing Authority at the end of the 21 day display period.

The information you supply on these forms will be used for the purpose for which you have provided it, and appropriate measures are in place to protect your personal data. A full privacy notice, which provides information about your rights under current data protection legislation and details about what will happen to your personal data can be found here:

How to make an Objection or Representation against an Application

The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 permits any member of the public to submit an objection or representation in relation to an application for a short-term let licence. To enable 51勛圖轎煤App and Bute Council, as licensing authority (the Council) to entertain an objection or representation, it must be:

  1. in writing (email is sufficient),
  2. specify the grounds of the objection or the nature of the representation,
  3. specify the name and address of the person making it,
  4. be signed off by them or on their behalf,
  5. be received by the Council within 28 days from when the notice of application is displayed.

Anonymous objections or representations will not be considered. Anonymous includes objections or representations where the person making the objection or representation cannot be contacted using the contact information provided.

Objections or representations can be e-mailed to short-termlets@argyll-bute.gov.uk or posted to; Short Term Lets Licensing Team, Regulatory Services, Helensburgh & Lomond Civic Centre, 38 East Clyde Street, Helensburgh, 51勛圖轎煤App and Bute G84 7PG

Late objections or representations may be considered, entirely at the Councils discretion, if the Council is satisfied that there is sufficient reason as to why it was not made in the time required.

The objection should be relevant to the statutory grounds that can be taken into consideration when refusing an application. These are set out in the 1982 Act-

  1. the applicant or anyone else detailed in the application form is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence,
  2. the activity would be carried out by a person other than the applicant who, if he had made the application himself, would have been refused,
  3. the premises is not suitable for the conduct of the activity, having regard to-
  4. the location, character or condition of the premises,
  5. the nature and extent of the proposed activity,
  6. the kind of persons likely to be in the premises,
  7. the possibility of undue public nuisance, public order; or public safety,
  8. where there is other good reason

It should detail clearly the reasons for the objection/representation and why the applicant and/or the premises are not suitable.

A copy of the objection or representation will be provided to the applicant and will include your name and address. All personal data will be processed in line with the following privacy notice:

Civic Government Licensing - Privacy Notice

3 year licence fees

Licences are normally valid for three years. The fees are set simply to recover all costs occurred by the Council in providing the licensing scheme service. The fees equate to 瞿84 annually for a small bed and breakfast with less than 4 guests; and 瞿169 annually for a self-catering property for 6 guests.

Licence Fees
Guest capacity applied for (including children under the age of 10) Home sharing or home letting 3 year licence Secondary letting 3 year licence
Up to 4 瞿253.90 瞿355.05
5 to 8 瞿355.05 瞿507.85
9 to 12 瞿558.40 瞿761.80
13 to 20 瞿711.25 瞿1,015.75
21 and over 瞿914.60 瞿1,269.65

The following describes each short term lets category:

  • Home Sharing - means using all or part of your own home for short-term lets whilst you are there
  • Home Letting - means using all or part of your own home for short-term lets whilst you are absent
  • Secondary Letting - means a short-term let involving the letting of property where you do not normally live, for example a second home

Why have the fees been set at this rate?

The fees have been calculated to cover the costs of the council to deliver this new Government legislation including administration and staff costs. Each fee paid covers a three-year period and has been benchmarked against other licensing fees for comparable businesses.

Further information

The following types of accommodation could all be considered a short-term let:

  • B&B and guesthouse
  • Boat (if static and not used for transportation)
  • Boathouse
  • Cabin
  • Castle
  • Chalet
  • Cottage
  • Exclusive use venue where accommodation is provided (without a liquor licence: Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005)
  • Farmhouse
  • Holiday caravan or glamping pod (without a caravan site licence: Caravan sites and Control of Development Act 1960)
  • Lighthouse
  • Lodge
  • Self-catering unit / holiday let
  • Serviced apartment on its own, or up to four in a building
  • Shared home or rooms within a home
  • Shepherd hut
  • Tent, tipi or wigwam
  • Treehouse
  • Yurt

For more information and a list of exclusions please see the and our exemption checklist.

If you have an enquiry about the Short Term Lets Licensing pleaseto submit it, but we respectfully ask that you read the Scottish Government Guidance and the Visit Scotland Webpage in the first instance for the answer to your queries. Our licensing team will be working hard to process customer applications

Following a review of 51勛圖轎煤App and Bute Councils Short-term Lets Licensing Policy Statement on Sept 2023 a number of Additional Licence Conditions contained within Appendix 4 of the Policy were removed, these were Additional Conditions relating to;

  • Guest Safety provision and use of watercraft
  • Guest Safety provision of bicycles
  • Guest Safety outdoor play equipment

Should you have received a licence prior to this review date which contains any of the above additional conditions, laid out in Schedule B to your licence, please be aware these additional conditions will no longer be enforced as part of the licence conditions.

51勛圖轎煤App and Bute Council Policy Statement: This revised policy, approved by Council on the 28 September 2023, details the policies and procedures relating to the licensing scheme, including mandatory and additional conditions.

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