
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/03/2022 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 4)




Question from Grant Stewart


Questions were raised with the Committee by Grant Stewart in relation to new parking restrictions at Hunters Quay. He outlined concerns around the views of residents not having been taken into account; the removal of parking spaces for those residents who did not have off-street parking; the cause of accidents being people rushing for the ferry; and the removal of parking spaces resulting in a clearer road which encouraged speeding. He noted that he would have expected consultation to take place prior to restrictions being put in place, however he understood that this would not happen for up to 18 months.


He advised that many of the traffic issues seemed to be linked with Western Ferries, with many commuters also parking in the vicinity for extended periods of time. He highlighted that there appeared to be limited enforcement action from traffic wardens, and many commuters seemed to ignore the restrictions and park on the double yellow lines.


Response from Committee


The Chair confirmed that it was his understanding that the traffic restrictions in place were part of a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) in response to safety concerns, which did not require prior consultation and could be in place for a period of up to 18 months. He noted that it was his understanding that the Police had also been involved in discussions around the TTRO due to their concerns.


It was agreed that the Committee Manager would pass these queries to the Roads and Infrastructure Services department, and that a response would be provided to Mr Stewart and Committee Members following the meeting.


Question from Tom McIver


Further questions were raised with the Committee around the new parking restrictions at Hunters Quay by Tom McIver. He advised that he had witnessed a number of recent accidents, all of which were as a result of excessive speed. He also noted that he disagreed with the way in which the results of speed surveys in the areas were being used to inform the restrictions, and his displeasure at the lack of appropriate lining and signage.


He reiterated Mr Stewart’s concerns around the inconvenience that the parking restrictions had caused residents without driveways and the lack of traffic warden enforcement action.


Response from Committee


The Chair noted that he was aware of a number of parking and speeding concerns in Dunoon at present, and he would ask the Committee Manager to raise Mr Stewart and Mr McIver’s concerns with the relevant officers.


It was agreed that the Committee Manager would raise both Mr Stewart and Mr MacIver’s concerns with Roads and Infrastructure Services and would thereafter respond to the concerns raised.


Councillor Blair noted that he would arrange to discuss wider infrastructure issues and possible solutions with Roads Engineers alongside Councillors Reid and McNeilly.


Councillor McNeilly noted that these were serious and complex issues, and she was happy to work alongside her fellow ward Councillors and other relevant parties to investigate the concerns.


Councillor Reid provided background information around the concerns initially raised by a number of local residents, and noted his awareness of the number of crashes in the area and potential risks to public safety. He advised that there appeared to be a difference of opinion between different groups of local residents, namely those with and without off-street parking. He confirmed that the TTRO in place reflected professional advice from Roads and Infrastructure Services officers, and noted that consultation would be undertaken prior to a permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) being put in place. He expressed his displeasure at the lack of preparedness for the TTRO by Roads and Infrastructure Services, and noted that he had written to the Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services to ask when the TTRO would be enforceable and when a traffic warden would be attending the location.


Councillor Reid advised that he had held discussions with the Head of Development Economic Growth about the possibility of creating parking spaces to reduce the issues, however he was informed that it would not be possible for the Council to progress this due to the expected usage of these spaces by Western Ferries users. He highlighted that the most important things to be progressed imminently were the implementation of lining and signage, alongside enforcement action.


Comment from Grant Stewart


Grant Stewart advised that he did not feel that the issues at Hunters Quay were entirely due to speed, with many issues also being caused by traffic queueing for Western Ferries. He noted that the service provided by Western Ferries was very good, however he would expect them to have more parking and public toilet facilities given the size of the business.


Response from Committee


The Chair sought confirmation that the double yellow lines being put in place would prevent Western Ferries from queuing traffic on the road. Councillor Reid confirmed that this would be the case, and discussions were ongoing with Western Ferries in relation to the situation, however Western Ferries were of the view that they were only responsible for their own land and were not responsible for what happened on the public road beyond this.Ìý


The Committee expressed their displeasure that an officer from Roads and Infrastructure Services had not been available to answer questions during the Public Question Time item. The Committee Manager noted that it was difficult to ask relevant officers to attend the Public Question Time item where notification of the questions being raised had not been submitted in advance of the meeting.
