
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/03/2023 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 4)


Verbal Presentation by Pupil Representatives from Dunoon Grammar School and Rothesay Joint Campus



The Committee gave consideration to a verbal update from Pupils from Dunoon Grammar School and Rothesay Joint Campus who outlined aspects of their learning journeys over the years.


Salma Murray, an S2 student from Dunoon Grammar School spoke of her transition from Primary to Secondary School which was done virtually due to Covid restrictions.


Charlotte Fish, an S3 pupil from Dunoon Grammar School spoke of her School trip to rural Tanzania in which she and 16 other pupils volunteered in the Community. Charlotte highlighted that it was an eye-opening experience, particularly the lack of facilities within the Schools.


S5 School Captains Emma Banks and Adam Smith from Dunoon Grammar School spoke of their experiences within the Senior School and their chosen career pathways.


Holly Reid, an S6 pupil from Rothesay Joint Campus spoke of her experience learning online and independently which she felt had prepared her well for the future.


S5 Pupil Ewan McMillan from Rothesay Joint Campus spoke of his plan to leave school at the end of S5 year and attend College to study to become a Gamekeeper. Ewan further advised that in preparation for this he had undertaken a one week summer placement with a Gamekeeper.


Kitti Carpenter, an S5 student from Rothesay Joint Campus spoke of her transition from Primary to Secondary School and spoke of the Children and Young People Foundation Apprenticeship which she is currently studying and highlighted her interest in continuing to study Childcare in College in the future.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair took the opportunity to thank the pupils for taking time out of their day to attend and wished them well in their future endeavours.




The Bute and Cowal Area Committee considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Verbal Presentation by Pupil representatives from Dunoon Grammar School and Rothesay Joint Campus)

