
Issue - meetings

Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton Cyclepath Update

Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 15)

15 Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton Cyclepath Update pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Report by Executive Director with Responsibility for Development and Economic Growth


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report updating Members on the progress made since the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee on 12 December 2023 in relation to the delivery of a dedicated, high quality walking and cycle route linking Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee:


1.    welcomed the community engagement to support the identification of a preferred route linking Morrisons Supermarket/Hermitage Academy to Helensburgh Town Centre/Waterfront;


2.    instructed Officers to progress with review of deliverables received from WSP, identification of outstanding requirements and to progress with securing these deliverables including sourcing funding for these as appropriate;


3.    considered the guidance from Legal Services in relation to Compulsory Purchase Order process and timescales;


4.    instructed Officers to submit a report to Council requesting approval for development and submission of a Compulsory Purchase Order for all land required to construct and maintain the preferred route alignment for the whole of Stage 1 (Colgrain to Cardross) and Stage 2 (Cardross to Dumbarton) of the Helensburgh – Cardross Dumbarton Cyclepath;


5.    considered how they can secure of match funding towards land acquisition and construction of this priority project, including from internal Council sources; and


6.    considered future maintenance options for the cyclepath, including if there is a role for community group volunteers.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, dated 7 February 2024, submitted)



Councillor Iain Paterson left the meeting following this item of Business.

