
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 4)




Having noted that there were members of the public in attendance, the Chair invited them to submit any questions they may have.ÌýÌýÌý


Sarah Davies, Helensburgh Community Council

Why is the Helensburgh Waterfront Development not on the Agenda today?

At the last meeting a decision was taken, in private, to choose two preferred bidders and since then we have heard nothing. We had expected the decision to be discussed at the next Policy and Resources Committee but once again it was not on the agenda. Why was that?

We had heard that this Committee would be holding a Business Day to discuss the bids further, has this happened? If not, when will it happen, who will be involved and how will any decisions be reported to Helensburgh residents.

Following the decision to move forward without the Helensburgh Community Council’s bid, we wrote to all 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Councillors expressing our serious concerns with the process. We believe community views have been excluded from the process and the overall selection of bids is based on a flawed process and weak evidence. We are concerned this will lead to a large retail development on the waterfront site, against the wishes of the community and harmful to existing and fragile retail in our town.

This letter was sent to all 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Councillors, the Leader and Chief Executive of the Council our local MSP’s and ²Ñ±è’s. We have since then had replies and discussions with our local MSP and MP.

We have had acknowledgements from some 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Councillors, but not a single response from any of you our local councillors who sit on this Committee that made that decision.

We have received a response from an officer, Ross McLaughlin Head of Commercial Services informing us that the Community Council will be further consulted once the selection has been made and the proposal moves to planning. In our view this is too late.

What will now be the process for the final selection of a bidder for the Waterfront?

When and how will the community be informed or involved in any of the decisions or discussions about the development of this prime and valued site in our town?

How and when will this committee engage with the community about their plans?

The Chair advised that an Area Committee Business Day was scheduled for 26 June for Members and Officers to discuss the Helensburgh Waterfront Development further and that a report regarding the project would be considered at a future meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee.

Angela Anderson, Plastic Free Helensburgh

Question 1

Plastic Free Helensburgh have seen an increased amount of litter around Helensburgh Pier and beach area, as a consequence of the better weather and longer evenings. However, we are concerned that it has been reported that 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Council consider the increase of litter and vandalism due to the opening of the Skatepark and in Plastic Free Helensburgh’s opinion even though both happened around same time we do not consider them linked. Can you agree that these are not linked as suggested in the report?

Councillor Campbell-Sturgess agreed that it would be impossible to link the litter and vandalism with the opening of the Skatepark.

The Project Manager advised that there was no intention to cast dispersion on anyone in the Roads and Infrastructure weekly update to Members and that it was simply to highlight the increase of vandalism and littering in that area.

Question 2

This is the third quarterly meeting I have brought up the issue of drainage and flooding which continues to be an issue in the locality, especially due to the increased rainfall in the last week.

Plastic Free Helensburgh are keen to work with the Council on these issues and would like to have a campaign locally to ensure the community are looking after the drainage system but we feel we cannot do this in an enabling way without support from the Council. I have been told that the drains are classed as ‘not blocked’ if there is no standing water on them, which doesn’t help when the town is built on a hill.

Can the Committee ensure this issue will be looked into?

The Chair advised that there is a significant amount of ongoing work looking into drainage and that further discussions on this matter would take place at the Roads and Infrastructure Services Update item.

Councillor MacQuire advised that clarification is needed on when drains are being cleared as he had received mixed communications from the Roads Department.

Lindsey Young, Cyclepath Action Group

I would like the Committee to consider the outstanding work undertaken WSP which is listed in the Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton Cyclepath update report. A lot of this work can only be done in the summer months, consequently if it is not done within the next 2 or 3 months it won’t be able to be done until next year, meaning another year to wait. Can the Committee ensure that these studies are completed this summer?

The Chair advised that he would raise Ms Young’s comments to the Project Lead at the agenda item.


Meeting: 04/06/2024 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 4)




Gillian Frew 


The Committee Manager read out the below question submitted by Gillian Frew:


The sunny weather this weekend brought out an increase in bikers who seemed to take great joy in revving their engines as they speed far in excess of the speed limit past the park.


I also wonder if a FOI to the police as to how many speed checks they have carried out in the last year at that particular postcode would assist?  I don't believe there is enough pro-activity in this regard but as primary initial email states this would only ever be a temporary panacea not a full time solution.


The Committee Manager advised that he had passed Ms Frew’s concerns to Police Scotland who confirmed that they have passed the matter onto the Roads Policing Department to make them aware of the issue and further advised that speed checks do not always get recorded so they cannot provide specific detail on how often they are carried out or when they have been undertaken. The Committee Manager advised that should he receive further information from Police Scotland that he would pass this to Ms Frew and the Area Committee for information.


Having noted that there were members of the public in attendance, the Chair invited them to submit any questions they may have.


Keith Wood


Question 1


Mr Wood advised that Ardentinny Community Council are currently paying for the upkeep and cleaning of Ardentinny public toilets which is costing the Community Council £140-£180 a month and that they are really struggling with the funding for this and asked what support the Area Committee could provide in this regard?.


The Chair advised that he would discuss and take this the matter forward at a Business Day with Officers.


The Committee Manager advised that he would send Mr Wood a link to the Grants and Funding portal on the Council’s website which includes information on available external funding.


Question 2


Mr Wood highlighted that the Ardentinny community are desperate for a late bus service, similar to what was available before covid. He advised that residents would like to be able to travel into town and support local businesses in the evening but due to the lack of a suitable bus service this was not possible.


The Chair advised that Kilmun Community Council had raised this matter at the Cowal Transport Forum previously.


Councillor Hampsey advised that should he be re-appointed as the Chair of the Cowal Transport that he would continue to pick up on the request for a late bus service within this locality.


David Eaglesham


Mr Eaglesham highlighted that the plans for the 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp Rally are concerning many residents who live along the B866 who will be inconvenienced by the event as they will be unable to leave their homes on the Friday evening as well the Saturday. Mr Eaglesham advised that local residents have not been consulted or asked about the inconvenience that the Rally would cause.


Mr Eaglesham asked the Committee, who in the Council is authorised to approve Traffic Regulation Orders and what consultations have been undertaken with Community Councils or Local residents.


Mr Eaglesham highlighted that there are many holiday home owners along the B866 who have had to part refund bookings for their holiday lets due to their visitors unable to leave the property with some having to delay the arrival time as cleaners also cannot get to the property as well as Royal Mail being unable to deliver post.


The Chair advised that the 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp Rally organisers had circulated communications as they had done in previous years to local residents advising what was planned.


Councillor Moreland advised that the Rally organisers hold meetings every second Monday with Community Councils and that either he or one of the other members in the ward try to attend these meetings. Councillor Moreland further advised that most Community Councils are supportive of the Rally and that there has not been many objections and that Traffic Regulation Orders are operational matters and do not include Elected Members input.


The Chair advised that, going forward, discussions would be had with the organisers of 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp Rally at a Business Day in the autumn time with interested parties welcome to attend.

