
Agenda and minutes

Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee - Tuesday, 14 June 2022 9:30 am

Venue: Marriage Room, Helensburgh & Lomond Civic Centre

Contact: Melissa Stewart, Governance Officer - 01546 604331 

No. Item

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, giving a special welcome to the newly elected members.




An apology for absence was intimated from Councillor Iain Paterson.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor MacQuire declared a non-financial interest in item 9 (Appointment to Outside Bodies – Dunbritton Housing Association) of these minutes on the basis that his relative was the Chair of Dunbritton Housing Association.Ìý He advised that the interest was insignificant in terms of the request to appoint a member on behalf of the Area Committee and he remained in the meeting when the matter was determined.


Minute of the Meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee, held on 17 March 2022 pdf icon PDF 217 KB


The Minutes of the meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee meeting of 17 March 2022 were approved as a correct record.


Public Question Time


The Committee Manager read out a question from Sarah Davies, Helensburgh Resident and Helensburgh Community Councillor, regarding Lighting in Colquhoun Square.Ìý


“Can it please be explained why it has taken six months from the first report of problems, an upheld official complaint and numerous phone calls to get the lights repaired in Colquhoun SquareÌý (All those who answered my numerous calls were, efficient, polite and helpful I thank them for that) Are the lights now fully operational?


Why at no time were the reported faults logged on the website as reported, as other lighting faults are?


Can we please be assured that this problem will not occur again. Functional Street Lighting is a matter of Health and Safety particularly for women, girls, the elderly and the vulnerable.â€


Mark Calder, Project Manager responded by advising that the lighting was not currently operational.Ìý This was as a result of the columns being non-standard construction, requiring specialist parts.Ìý He advised that the ordering had been impacted by a review of suppliers to ensure continued best value.Ìý The parts have been ordered but due to the specialist nature there was no timescale for their delivery.


With regard to the upheld complaint, Mark explained that the complaint was in regard to the flow of information rather than the fault.Ìý This had been due to the operational and customer facing case management systems being misaligned due to a glitch.Ìý Regarding the website, he advised that the complaint had been logged, was in the system, and was being actioned.


In terms of assurances that there would be no further issues, Mark commented that it was not possible to assure that there would never be another fault but that changes in the management and reporting system should reassure that service requests are robustly and appropriately managed.Ìý Mark advised that he was in correspondence with the author of the question and that he would update the person directly when more was known about the delivery timescales.


Councillor MacQuire commented that to his knowledge 14 of the 22 lights had now been fixed.


Police Scotland Update pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Update from Inspector Roderick MacNeill, Police Scotland


The Committee considered an update by Inspector MacNeill which included the appointment of a new Chief Inspector, Samantha Glasgow; Operation Balaton (the multi-agency approach to ensure effective policing due to summer tourism); joint patrols with 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Council and National Park Wardens; support for community events such as discos and a Midnight football league; speeding and crime figures; and DBI (Distress Brief Intervention) which training is ongoing to ensure those in distress can be assisted to get the right care of partner organisations.




The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Inspector MacNeill for his attendance and informative update.


(Reference:Ìý Undated Report by Inspector MacNeill, submitted)


Integration Joint Board Performance Report (May 2022) pdf icon PDF 846 KB

Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology


A report providing the Committee with an update on the impact on service performance and the progress made with regard to remobilising health and social care services in 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute up to 31 March 2022 was considered.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee:


  1. considered the HSCP performance progress presented to the IJB on 25 May regarding remobilisation of activity in line with NHS Highland performance target for 2021/22 agreed with Scottish Government to 70%-80% of 2019/20 activity as at November 2021;
  2. considered Waiting Times Performance and a further reduction in Consultant and Nurse Led Outpatient breaches greater than 12 weeks;
  3. noted performance with regards to both 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute and Greater Glasgow and Clyde current Treatment Time Guarantee for Inpatient/Day Case Waiting List and activity; and
  4. noted Scottish Government’s advice on timescales for the publication of 2021/22 Annual Performance Report (APR).


(Reference:Ìý Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute HSCP dated 7 June 2022, submitted)


Primary School Report 2021-22 - Helensburgh and Lomond Area pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education

Additional documents:


A report providing a range of key information about school provision in the Helensburgh and Lomond area during the school session August 2021 to June 2022 along with the National collection of attainment and achievement data from June 2021 was considered.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education, dated 7 June 2022, submitted)


Roads and Infrastructure Services Update pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Amenity Services


A report providing a general update on key activities of the Service over recent months and highlighting works being undertaken which were of relevance to the Helensburgh and Lomond area was considered.


For the benefit of the new Members of the Committee, the Project Manager also gave an overview of the extensive remit, scope and responsibilities of the Service and the wide range of work and strategic projects currently being undertaken across the whole Council area.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee noted and considered the contents of the report.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services dated May 2022, submitted)


Appointments to Outside Organisations pdf icon PDF 299 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support


A report asking the Committee to consider making appointments to a number of local bodies/organisations within the Helensburgh and Lomond area was considered.Ìý The Committee Manager also advised that an additional request to appoint a substantive representative to the Glasgow Airport Consultative Committee had been received since the agenda had been issued and invited the Committee to also consider making an appointment to that group.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee agreed to make the following appointments:



Elected Member(s)


Cardross Trust


Councillor Kennedy

Dunbritton Housing Association

Councillor Mulvaney


Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group

Councillors Irvine (Ward 9), Howard (Ward 10) and Penfold (Ward 11)

Helensburgh and Lomond Locality Planning Group

Councillor Hardie

Gourock, Dunoon and Kilcreggan Harbour Reference Group

Councillor Irvine was proposed by Councillor Howard, seconded by Councillor MacQuire.Ìý Councillor Corry was proposed by Councillor Mulvaney, seconded by Councillor Hardie.Ìý The amendment to appoint Councillor Corry was carried by 5 votes to 4 and the Committee agreed to appoint Councillor Corry to the Group.

Dunbartonshire Educational Trust

Councillor Campbell-Sturgess

Glasgow Airport Consultative Committee

Councillor Paterson subject to confirmation of acceptance of the appointment.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 24 May 2022, submitted)


Request for Financial Assistance - Helensburgh and District Twinning Association pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support

Additional documents:


A report providing information on a request from the Helensburgh and District Twinning Association for financial assistance to help with a visit to Thouars in 2023 and a visit to Helensburgh by residents from Thouars in 2024 was considered.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee agreed to award the sum of £833 from the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Twinning Budget for 2022/23 to Helensburgh and District Twinning Association.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 25 June 2022, submitted)


AREA SCORECARD FQ4 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 438 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services


A paper presenting the Area Scorecard for Financial Quarter 4 2021/22 (January to March 2022) which illustrated the agreed performance measures was considered.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee:


1.    noted and considered the performance and supporting commentary as presented; 

2.    noted that upon receipt of the Quarterly Performance Report the Committee should contact either the Responsible Named Officer or the Performance Improvement Officer with any queries; 

3.    noted that work was ongoing and that Members should respond to the Performance Improvement Officer with requests or comments regarding the layout and format of the Performance Report; and 

4.    noted the proposal to include the additional Corporate Outcome Indicators within the quarterly Area Committee report.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services dated 9 May 2022, submitted)


Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton Cyclepath Update

Additional documents:


A report updating Members on the progress made since the previous report to the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee on 17 March 2022 in relation to the delivery of a dedicated, high quality walking and cycle route linking Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton was considered.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee the continued efforts of Officers to engage with WSP Design Consultants to confirm the programme to complete the design process.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Strategic Transport dated 19 May 2022, submitted)


Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee Workplan pdf icon PDF 319 KB


The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee Workplan was before Members for information.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee noted the contents of the Workplan.


(Reference: Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee Workplan dated 14 June 2022, submitted)