
Types of applications

Find out about the different types of planning applications

There are a number of different types of consent that developers can apply for. The most common ones are

Applications for Full Planning Permission

Full planning permission is a planning application for property development. It requires full details of the design, siting, materials, access and parking facilities for your proposed development, with scale drawings. This type of application can range from a house extension to a major urban expansion.

Applications for Planning Permission in Principle

Planning permission in principle (PPP) is where the consent is in principle for development on a specified site (There is no need to submit detailed, architect-drawn or scale drawings). PPP is granted subject to conditions that the development in question will not begin until certain matters (e.g. access, design, landscaping etc) have been approved.

Applications for Approval of Matters Specified in Condition

An application must be made to fulfil any condition imposed on a grant of planning permission whether in full or in principle.

Other Types of Consent

Other types of application including Listed Building Consent (for work to be carried out on a Listed Building), Conservation Area Consent (for demolition works in a Conservation Area) and Advertisement Consent (to display adverts).

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