
Comments from adoptive parents

Read comments from other adoptive parents.

Adoptive Parents of Older Children

As adopters of older children, we feel that the children have their own link with the past history and have had a chance to develop their own personalities.  In many respects it takes away a lot of the guess work.  We also have a chance to retain our own former existence

Adoptive parents of Children 0 5 years

Its great fun taking your son to football training with all the other dads and see him score three goals (even if two of them were own goals).  Its also fun to watch their own vivid imaginations run riot and a joy to see their faces light up when they receive presents.  Its also a pleasure to see them tucked up at night safe and secure.

"The children have filled a huge void in our lives.  We missed having children around the house but until they arrived, we didnt know how much.  When we entered into adoption we probably didnt realise how much it would change our lives and how much hard work is involved.  This was our fault as we were warned continuously by our Social Worker.  Now they are here we would not change it for the world.

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