
Help for Children and Young People

Welcome to your page which is full of information about what to do if you’re worried about yourself or others being harmed.

What should I say

It is hard to talk when you are upset or feeling hurt.  You might not know what to say or where to start.  Here are a few things you can do which will make talking easier:

  • Have a think about what you want to say beforehand.  
  • Practice how you will start your conversation or phone call
  • Find a safe place to talk where you won't be disturbed or overheard
  • Tell the person you are talking that you find it hard to talk
  • Phone from a place that is quiet

You can also to write a note to an adult you trust telling them about what is happening.  You can email this to a ChildLine worker too.  Make sure you write down what happened to you and when. You could show this to the adult you trust.  You could show it to someone in your family or a friend.  You could even show it to a teacher or an assistant at school. 


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