- 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute British Sign Language Plan
- Volunteer Policy and Procedure
- Early Years grants savings
- Community grants savings
- Strategic events and festivals grants savings
- Positive Starts savings
- Governance Team restructure
- People Strategy and Strategic Workforce Planning Priorities
- Double Charge Council Tax on Second Homes
- Our Modern Workspace
- Customer Engagement Team Budget Gap Restructure Proposals
- Removal of School Crossing Patrollers from 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Council
- Service concession flexibility
- Revenues and Benefits Services
- Building Standards
- Education (CAST support)
- Provision of free period products
- 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Local Housing Strategy 2022-2027
- School Leadership Transformation in 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute
- Education Transformation programme School Leadership consultation
- Taxi /private hire car driver medicals
- Review of Gambling Policy Statement
- Covid recovery plan
- Covid recovery plan - evidences
- Short term lets licensing
- Introduction of the Scottish Governments Period Products (Free Provision)
- 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Employability Partnership (ABEP) Delivery Plan, 2022-25
- Child poverty action plan review
- Child poverty action plan - equality impact assessment
- Do not replace independent chair of panel
- Bring back urology services from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and offer from Oban Hospital instead
- Only pay for escort travel where it is essential
- Pay for care home placements for older people in line with national contract with no added enhancements
- When a new client is assessed as requiring 24 hour care offer to fund a package of care at home up to £30k, allowing the service user to fund the additional hours of care if they chose to remain at home
- Redirect Oban Integrated Care Funding to pay for day responder service as in other areas
- Remove funding for all lunch clubs
- Reduce payments to voluntary organisations for non-contracted services
- End Service Level Agreement for commissioned advocacy service and replace with signposting to other services
- End grants paid to link clubs, some of which are no longer providing services
- Encourage clients to have individual tenancies with housing association encouraging fuller independence for clients
- Reduce Senior Dental Officer post by 0.4 WTE
- Remove advanced nurse vulnerable groups post
- Youth Justice Strategy Project
- Oban staff co-location and redesign of the footprint of Lorne Resource Centre (LRC) and Lynnside Day Centre (LDC)
- Dementia Services Redesign
- Catering Provision Across 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute-Implementation of Universal Free School Meals-Early Years
- Review of AHP workforce, redesign of services and efficiencies in non-pay budgets. (Non-pays is any budget for supplies and expenses.)
- Business Admin transformation (HSCP)
- Review of care at home service support for people living in Bowman Court (independent tenancies) and patients receiving inpatient care at MICH (3 bedded in patient unit).
- Review of provision of day services for older people
- Review of Maternity Services
- Budget Saving - Children and Families Health Teams £100K from Health Visiting and School Nursing
- Social Work Admin Service Review
- Budget Saving Social Work Children and Families: SLA with GG&C for CAMHS service (Fusions)
- Review of Children’s Social Care Staffing
- Consolidation of the SLG Living Wage and modernisation of LGE pay and grading structure and employment deal
2020-2021 Budget Preparation
- 2020-2021 Budget Preparation Savings CSS02 – Customer Service Centre and Registration Services
- 2020-2021 Budget Preparation: Commercial Services; CS01 – Remodel Estates Staff Structure
- 2020-2021 Budget Preparation: Commercial Services; CS02 – Remodel Business Support in Estates, Programme Management and Property Services
- Remodel Property Officer Team – CS03
- DEG01 – Economic Growth – 7% Savings
- Transformation Projects and Regeneration
- PE Facilities
- Enterprise
- Reduction of the Educational Psychology Service by 22%
- CAST (Creative Art in Schools Team) support
- Quality Assessment and Moderation
- Admin and Finance Assistants
- 16+ Learning Choices
- Swimming Pool Subsidies (Islay & Jura)
- Swimming Pool Subsidies (Mid 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp)
- Additional Support Needs (activities)
- Central Team Savings
- Community Learning Service Savings 20/21
- Pupil Support Assistants
- Withdrawal of Third Sector Grants (unrelated to delivery of 1140hrs) / Review of Early Years staffing
- Budget savings proposals 2020/21: combined EqSEIA
- Procurement & Contract Management Team realignment
- Advice Services Team review
- Removal of School Crossing Patrollers from 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Council
- Burials and Cremations
- Public conveniences
- Removal of School Crossing Patrollers within 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute
- Reduction in staff for roads maintenance team
- Reduction in Grounds and Environment budget
- Reduction in staff for Amenity Services Enforcement
- Removal of Road Safety Unit
- Reconstructing the Council’s budget -Business Gateway budget template
- Reconstructing the council’s budget – Instrumental Music Tuition Service
- Review of Community Learning (Youth and Adult Learning Provision)
- Reduction in maintenance of street lighting columns and lights
- 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Council Budget 2019-20
- Rezoning catchment of St Columba's School
- Wellbeing Strategy
- Procurement Strategy and Sustainable Procurement Policy 2020/2021
- Waste - Maximise Income from Commercial Agreements
- Strategic Transportation Airport Commercialisation
- Removal of Road Safety Unit (Rapid Impact Assessment)
- Removal of Road Safety Unit (Health and Safety Impact Assessment)
- Removal of Community Transport Grants Model
- Rationalisation of Public Toilets
- Increase of Parking Charges
- Economic Development Service Redesign
- Depot Rationalisation
- Combine Roads and Amenity Operations Under Single Area Management
- ICT Production Team - Service Desk
- ICT Production Team - Print Room
- Review of Non-Domestic Rates (NDR), Sundry Debt, BIDs and MACC billing and collection, and Cash Collection
- Review of the Administration of Council Tax and Housing Benefit, Scottish Welfare Fund, Welfare Reform and Anti-Poverty
- Budget Reconstruction Proposal - Customer Service Points (CSPs)
- Creditors Section – reconstructing the council’s budget–saving of two posts over two years
- Equality and Diversity policy
- 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute Manager Programme
- Local Development Plan
- Procurement and Commissioning Strategy 2018-19
- Single Investment Plan - Rural Growth Deal
- Housing Benefit Overpayment Recovery and Debt Collection Procedure
- Sundry Debtors Policy
- Removal of school crossing patrollers
- Closure of public toilets
- Changes to bin collections
- 51³Ô¹ÏÃâ·ÑApp and Bute HSCP Strategic Plan 2016
- Psychology Services - Service Choices
- Secondary Schools - All other costs - Service Choices
- Primary Schools - All other costs - Service Choices
- Early Years - Service Choices
- Education Support and Janitorial Services - Service Choices
- Education, Music Instruction and Creative Arts - Service Choices
- Additional Support Needs - Service Choices
- Reduction in Expenditure on Tenancy Services - Service Choices
- Adult Learning and Literacies - Service Choices
- Rapid Impact Assessment - Procurement and Commissioning Strategy